
專訪:Tom Welling [譯]

Tom Welling Magazine專訪︰湯姆.威靈

For four years, Tom has incarnated with conviction the young Superman. In season 4, new challenges await the super hero. For you, Tom evokes today the changes with affect his character and offer to us episodes filled of suspense.



Are you aware of the success of the series in France?
Some one told me, but I did not yet really realize it, because I haven been back to France since my honeymoon. At that time, the series was not released yet in France and I was completely unnoticed in Paris.


千萬不要跟她說這種話,不然我會有很大的麻煩。(笑)如果我跟她說這類的話,她會認為我得了大頭症,她非常不能忍受這一點。我身邊的許多朋友會隨時關照我,所以我不會有大頭症出現。即使是在《Smallville》劇組裡,Michael Rosenbaum慎重的跟我說過,一旦你開始演這個角色,你就改名為Tom Swelling。

Is your wife proud to be the wife of Superman?
Do not say that to her or you will attract me problems. [laughs] If I told her a similar trick, she would surely believe that I took the large head and she wouldn’t stand it. I have the chance to be surrounded by people who take care that I don’t get big-headed! Even on “Smallville” set, Michael Rosenbaum warned me that if I started to play the stars, it would rename me Tom Swelling.


編劇要我發誓什麼也不能說,但是確定的是,克拉克長大了而且開始學習決擇,這個決擇會影響他的未來。他與雷克斯的關係已經變得更複雜。克拉克開始謹防他,雷克斯也隱藏東西不讓他的最好的朋友知道。但為了讓影迷安心,他保持相同的性格。為了第四季第一集的某些劇情,我跟本劇的製作人談了很久,對於克拉克角色未來的走向我很懷疑。我不想要讓他飛並且太早穿上超人服裝,因為我認為它將是一個錯誤。但是他們為了使我安心,一再的解釋第四季第一集裡飛的實際上Kal -El而不是克拉克。這是一種重要的區別。

Clark from season four is a little different from the one the fans know. What do you know about what awaits you?
The script writers made me swear to say nothing, but know that Clark has grown up and that he starts making choices which will determine his future. His relation with Lex, for instance, has become much more complex. Clark starts being wary of him and Lex hides things from his best friend. But that the fans reassure themselves, he remains the same character. I had long conversations with the creators of the series at the beginning of the season cause within sight of the first episodes, I was afraid of the direction Clark was taking. I didn’t want him to fly and wear Superman’s costume too early, because I think it would be a mistake. But they reassured me explaining that although my character flew in the first episode of season four, it was in fact Kal-El and not really Clark. It’s an important distinction.



Can you nevertheless make revelations on what awaits the other characters of season 4?
I can tell you only one thing without being likely to have problems: the script writers consider to write a love story between Lex and Lana. At the moment, they haven’t done it yet, but if you watch some episodes you’ll see that some details encourage to think that Lana does not leave Lex indifferent and vice versa.


跟大家預想的不太一樣,男影迷的信比女影迷多。在美國,大部分的影迷都是男性。影迷的來信對我而言都是很好的,我沒有那種擾人的影迷。我認為這跟我飾演的角色有關,克拉克的愛好者個性都相當好而且會造成一種平衡,雷克斯的影迷就非常不同。你應該讀一些Michael Rosenbaum收到的影迷來信,你不會失望的!(笑)

Which kind of fan letters do you usually receive?
As opposed to what everyone believes, the boys write to me more than the girls. In the States, the fans are, for the most part, men. The letters sent to me are very nice, I don’t really have disturbed fans. I think that it’s related to the character I incarnate, the fans of Clark are rather nice and balanced people, the fans of Lex are very different. I think you should have Michael Rosenbaum to read you some of the letters he’s received, you wouldn’t be disappointed! [laughs].



Do you at the end of four years get along always as well with Michael?
Yes, we are true friends. I think the pleasure we take to play together shows through the way in which we interpret the friendship which binds Clark to Lex. It was very important that I get along well with the actor who would play Lex because our relation had to be credible. When we become enemies, it is necessary that the audience can believe that we were friends and understand what led us to hate each other after all is said and done. I don’t know yet how the script writers will make so that it is thus. On the other hand, I know that the people we hate the more in our life are those for who we tested very strong feelings in the past.

你對於Sam Jones III (飾 小皮)從影集中離他有何看法?

我感到非常的難過,因為我、Michael(雷克斯)、Sam(小皮)在劇中都是我最好的朋友。我很想念他。我跟他說再見的那集是在第三季的結尾,這集非常感人,那集也是他在這部影集中的最後一集。我們沒有特別為這一幕做準備,就很感人了。我希望編劇能夠想到一個方法讓這一季他再回來Smallville 演出。即使要我到洛杉機找他都行,我很希望能有機會再和他合作。

How did you feel about the departure of Sam Jones III from the series?
I was truly very sad because, with Michael, Sam was my best friend on the set. I miss him much. The scene during which he says goodbye to Clark at the end of season 3 was truly his last scene in the show and it was very moving. We didn’t have many efforts to make to look moved. I hope the script writers will find a way to bring him back to Smallville this season. Even if I continue to see him when I go to Los Angeles, I’d like to have the occasion to work with him again.



Do you carry out yourself more stunts than at the beginning of the series?
A little more, but the producers are always afraid that I hurt myself. However I make all my possible to do them myself as soon as they leave me the possibility of it. I’m not a daredevil, but that makes the work of the director easier if it is me who plays a scene rather than a stuntman whose face has to be hidden. That said, it was really hard to convince producers that I was able to carry out some stunts myself. During the first season, one of the only stunts they let me make was to stumble with my books to fall at Lana’s feet! [laughs]


